Wednesday, February 18, 2009

DAY 52: Smooth sailing...

I had an early wake-up today to get to Emory for a little brain chemo and some lab work. My labs looked good... meaning that most of my levels were all high enough to not need any blood products. While I was mentally prepped for a negative side-effects from the brain-poke, it went surprisingly well. I think that when I am well-hydrated, the cards are in my favor. And so it was a good day.

We will head back Friday for another chemo infusion called Vincristine, which is a pretty quick one.

So for a guy who really never took any pills to speak of for thirty years (I would just put up with headaches and any annoyances rather than take anything for it), I sure have had my eyes opened to a whole new world of pharmaceutical living. Here's what I'm on these days:

Neupogen (self-administered shots of E Coli-derived white-blood cell growth factor)
Zofran (for nausea)
Ativan (as needed, for nausea)
Compazine (as needed, for nausea)
Metoprolol (a beta blocker for my heart)
Pepcid (for reflux and stomach issues)
Colace (for constipation)
Acyclovir (profylactic for infection)
Fluconazole (profylactic for infection)
Penicillin (profylactic for infection)
Diflucan (profylactic for infection)

Dang it, y'all - that's a lot to swallow. And most are twice a day indications.

Ok- just a little taste of the fun that we get in the off-season from being in the hospital.

My spirits and optimism are strong as ever. Still no word on six versus eight cycles, but I am holding out hope for the lower end of that range.

Be well, all of you, and thank you for hanging on--


Vanessa said...

I'm so glad you had a good day!

David, Jenny, Jack and Victor said...

It was great to hear from you! We are praying for a smooth and speedy resolution.

Unknown said...

I'm so glad to hear you had a good day! Still thinking of you and Candace constantly! Love you both!

Blog Strong said...

Stuart! Great to hear from you. I was beginning to get a bit nervous when you didn't post for a few days -- I guess I'm not one to talk... I'm with you on the pills; I probably take more medicines in one week now than I did in the previous 22 years combined.

I hope you're continuing to do well and I'm crossing my fingers for six...

Happy Trails,


David H. said...

Continuing to be inspired by your experience, Stuart. On another happy note, Matt Jamison (lived on my freshman hall in Collins our freshman year at Wake) and his wife Alyson just had their first child two days ago. It's a little boy named Henry. He and I go to church together at Second Ponce de Leon in Buckhead. He and I both have great memories of you, "Evan McNary" and Evan McNary. Pretty sure you know what that means. Peace, and peach, my brother.

Martha said...

Evan McNary, well, I know what it means. In fact, their disc is here somewhere...will spin it to honor ya. Listening for the drum beat and the bass notes. They need a comeback.

Tal said...

Stuart buddy. Glad to read your blog and to catch up on how you are. I have tears in my eyes for your faith that you are holding up. Thank you for this gift.

So happy that you are beating it like a drum. Know that I am praying for you, Candace and your family.

Martha said...

Stuart and Candace, just stopping by to check on you. Have a joyful, pleasant weekend. Hope you are having something good to eat, Mexican, if possible. You both are constantly in my prayers.

Sdollar said...

I just read about the remission. As I am sure you know more than most right now, God is good. I will keep praying.