Thursday, February 5, 2009

DAY 39: Time creeps forward...

Yeah, they put another needle in my head yesterday. This time, like last time, they were unsuccessful on their first attempt. Having given me two pre-chemo meds for nausea, I fortunately did not have such a violent reaction like the last time. This time, however, I did get a debilitating migraine that kept me on the couch for the next six hours. It was like my heart was beating in my temples. Ka-boom. Ka-boom.

What I keep telling myself in those moments is that the pain is only temporary. It, too, will pass. And it eventually does. I am thankful that this is true.

Tomorrow, Friday, I have been requested back at the clinic for the third trip there this week. Same drill: blood draw, lab work, nurse visit, and then IV fluids as needed. I am mentally prepared for another long day. What else would I do, right?

I went to counseling today with a very talented woman who Candace and I have known and worked with for several years. By the end of our conversation, I came to realize that, despite all the blogging and time available for introspection, I hadn't really done too much of that sort of thing. Wonder why not? Hmmm. Did they poke me in the brain in some place that led to this condition? Since I've been 'this way' for 31 years, that's probably not a legitimate thread.

So that's something I intend to do more. Of. (That just shows you how tired I am: I am too tired to rephrase that last sentence so that it wouldn't end in a preposition. I took the easy way out and just added some excessive punctuation. So there. Sorry, Mrs. Kaplan.)

I have some ideas on what's been going on inside my head/heart, but will collect them a bit more and then share some. Right now, I'm a liability on the keyboard so I'll cut this one short and go lie down.

Hope all of you are well. Thanks for giving me a read today.

PS: a challenge for your next day- talk to a complete stranger and see if you can learn one personal thing about them. Feel free to share, if you're so inclined. Some of you know that I tend to do this many times a day... 'cause I love meeting new people and I do have a mouth that can be big. Have fun!


Unknown said...

That P.S. part must be part of the family. I love to talk to strangers and meet new people. That sounded funny "i like to talk to strangers". Isn't that what we teach our kids NOT to do? ha. Anyway, just thinking about you. Whether you feel like it or not, you're an inspiration to me for the faith you're showing. Love you,Allyson

Candace and Stuart said...

I love you baby. you are upstairs sleeping and I am about to join you. You are my favorite.

Jen Harris said...

get family here in Cali is praying for you and Candace. Keep blogging, i look forward to reading them.

Susan said...

Thanks Stu. I plan on doing this today. Peace be with you.

Unknown said...

Love you, dude! We think about you every day.

Jenny said...

With everything else on your mind, rest assured that it is now acceptable to end a sentence in a preposition--I have it on good authority from a writer friend.

Peace to you.

Jeff said...


Glad to see a little poke in the head hasn't stopped the blogging! Driving around in the rain in LA is a weird feeling. People behave as if they have never seen rain before. Much like when Nashville gets snow. Hope you are gaining strength. As you soldier through tough times remember Philippians 4:13 "I can do all things through him who strengthens me." All the best. Keep'in up the prayers in California.

Jeff Jenkins

Kelly said...

Hope you are feeling better my friend!

Martha said...

Your blog is both inspiring and gives me a lot to think on. I actually took your advice and talked to a little stranger at the creek my grandson, Colton, was wading in. In Edwin Warner Park on the sandbar is where we were at. A little redheaded boy and his dog were venturing in the current too far out. I said, "Little boy, can you swim any?" And he said, "Yes, I swim around." His mother didn't seem to notice any. She was busy with the cell phone she was talking on. Believe you me, I was watching him over. They left soon after. I could tell his legs were stone cold like. His pants were wet to his bottom above. I would have bet he would of have fallen in after. According to Colton, I should not talk to strangers any. He seems to get shy of it. We were at Green Hills Mall next. We pulled into a parking spot right after a big SUV that had about thirty bumper stickers placed all over his vehicle the back of. Colton said,"Honey (our name we use instead of "Grandmother"), Let's don't get out before they get past." "Because of I'm afraid you are going to say something to them for." I told him, "Let's go ahead and get out, because of I want to ask them if they need another couple bumper stickers on top of what they have despite." All this brought me to remember what Stuart had said in his blog and to really think it all over. I need to think about the text where it says to be mindful how you treat people; you might find out they were angels after.