Thursday, April 30, 2009

DAY 124: The fever that won't go away...

Well, this week has been a crazy one, unlike no other round. I have been to Emory 7 out of the last 9 days. I am still getting fevers every day and we can't seem to figure out why.

I got a blood transfusion on Sunday, Platelets on Tuesday (they were at their lowest level ever), took blood cultures from a total of 5 different sites Saturday, Tuesday, and Wednesday (to see if they grow out an infection), IV Cefepime (an antibiotic) yesterday, IV fluids yesterday, a nasal swab for RSV (a full-on 4-inch nostril assault all the way down into my throat!), and a prescription for Levaquin (another antibiotic).

The good news: my white blood cells have come back are at normal levels! This means I'm not a walking piece of duct tape, as I call it.

This fever has perplexed us all. I seem to get it later in the day and overnight, and it moderates in the morning. The other night, it was 102.8. We called in and they told us it was ok to take Tylenol (a no-no when whites are down). When I did, I set my gag reflex off and sent dinner into the sink and bathtub... oops. I ended up sweating away the fever and got some rest. Each night seems to replay the same fever spike.

Back to the clinic tomorrow for more blood work, tests, and hopefully some answers!?!

PS- when the nurse practitioner described the nasal swab to me, she said, and I quote, "Oh, it's not bad. It like this wire that goes up your nose and then hooks down in your throat. It takes, like, two seconds."

Are you kidding me? My heart started racing and I became hot and flushed that I had to lie down to regain composure.

I replied, "Look, you have to promise me you will never use these two words again when describing a nasal swab: 'hook', and 'wire'. Images of some sort of metal fishing hook pulling out my esophagus through my nose is all I could envision."

She agreed to change her spiel, and I feel good about saving people from the horrible experience I had, due to such a poor choice of words!


Myrna said...

Every time one of my children gets a fever, it cycles through like that. I hope your team can figure it out!

Myr and Hollie said...

MMMMMMMM, sounds like fishing, hook and wire, that's funny. Let's get this fever knocked out!!

Candace and Stuart said...

Haha! I just had a good laugh (again) about that nasal swab.
Thanks for the vomit in my bathtub (thanks for cleaning it up sweetcakes)

Love you.

lisa engle said...

checkin' in to see how you're coming through this fever season...
steady prayers for you two. thanks for the updates. they are read.
not so small army available to you.
much love,

Kelly said...

I hope by now your fevers are gone!!! As for the nasal swab, man...I think i'd have objected to the "it's not bad" part in addition to the hook and wire part. Thanks for saving other people the horror of those words! Love you!

David, Jenny, Jack and Victor said...

it's like they send these people to anti-bedside manner school

Unknown said...

Right up there with you, friend. I had a fever on the same night, but had been admitted to 817. I kept getting a fever, breaking it, getting another, breaking it, and so on. Finally their hit me with more antibiotics than I'd see to that point. Such is fun in the hospital when the answer is "huh?"

I'm no longer on RHCVAD for my Burkitt's. My body recovered too quickly and allowed too much breathing room for the tumor, which took this as license to play around a short - unwelcome - distance from home. We went to the Magrath Protocol, part deux, known as "IVAC-R". Thanks be to God it appears to be working like a charm.

I get out of the hospital today and go home, praying to be beaten down by this regimen so my body can't immediately rebound to 110%. Oh, the strange things we hpoe and pray for eh?

blackw68 (at) gmail (dot) com

ReichT said...

Hang in there Stuart! You are an amazing fisherman.

Martha said...

I was just imagining you on your grandmother's boat dock with Candace trying to remove a fish hook from your nose.

Serendipity said...

I think I met you last week in the Grocery store at Carmichael with your wife. This is so strange. I was debating wether to go to the hospital or stay home because I have a fever of EXACTLY 101.4 and googled it. This is very coincidental if it is the case. I hope you got the Carrot Juice like that stranger suggested. I pray for you. You are always surrounded by guardian angels. My name is Stevie by the way. I was promoting the PRE - Probiotic drink. I can't believe googling your temperature tonight because I have the same fever is so strange. Even if you aren't the same people... you look EXACTLY like him. I will keep you in my prayers.