Monday, May 4, 2009

DAY 128: The eve of Round 7...maybe...

Tomorrow I get lab work to see if my platelets have recovered enough for another beat-down. If so, I will be readmitted. If not, I assume I will wait until later this week and try again. I've never had to delay a round due to levels not coming up, so I guess this is what they meant when they said the chemo is cumulative: my body is just having a harder and harder time recovering.

The fevers and migraines... well they just went away on their own. Not really sure what was causing them, or moreso, what made them cease. I am very happy, nonetheless!

When round 7 is over, I will be able to say "one more round!!!" and I cannot wait to do so.

Day 128? Whew. I guess after you've been hanging in for long enough, you just get used to hanging in. And, well-- I'm hanging in!


Myr and Hollie said...

Well, we'll see how it goes. Looking forward to seeing when round 7 starts (so we know when it will be over!).

Martha said...

We're hangin in with you. Praying for it to get easier for you and Candace.

Jenny & David Brooks said...

you're a chemo beating machine, dude.... in the home stretch now

Blog Strong said...

Good vibes are coming your way from Wisconsin. I hope your counts looked good and that your off to another round. Your nearing home, my friend.
