Sunday, January 4, 2009

DAY 7: Dorothy was right: no place like home...

Sorry for going quiet since Thursday. I ended up spending the majority of Friday with my eyeballs glued shut, due to a sneaky nausea and vomiting attack that chased me down. Friday was, therefore, more of a 'just get by' kind of day. I never suspected that I would be unable at any point to share an update, but the last few days have proven just that.

They discharged me yesterday (Saturday), and so I was able to sleep in my own bed last night with my wonderful, wonderful wife. As icing on the cake, I was not awoken every few hours for blood draws or vitals. Apart from draining the bladder a couple of times, it was a pretty uneventful night. Thank goodness for that.

The sensation of losing taste buds is very awkward. The only food I really seem to crave is Rice Krispies with banana. Hot foods still annoy me. My mouth has a constant metallic taste which leads me to the mouthwash bottle several times a day. As you know me, I really love to eat... and savor good foods... so this is really a tough thing. The nausea comes and goes throughout the day, coupled with the lack of appetite-- not a good combo.

Ok-- I seem to be harping on the negative and have little lucidity to put cohesive thougths together. I better stop and go back and lie down until a better time.

Thanks immensely for your support and encouragement. While I cannot answer phone calls and emails very easily, please know that I really appreciate you following up on us.


lisa engle said...

rest / recover / heal.

you're in great Hands.
prayers are constant.

mercy, Lord, please.

corrie said...

I understand the "no place like home thing"- Mark always took better care of me than any nurse whenever I was hospitalized-(4 births and 1 scary kidney infection -nothing like chemo) - but nothing beats your spouse's love and care.
We have a post-it note that says PRAY FOR STU above our water dispenser on our frig. We all (girls included) pray for you every time we get water -LOVE YOU GUYS TONS!!!

gtwreck98 said...

I'm glad you're home, buddy. We're thinking of you and praying for you. (Fist bump)

Love ya man!

matt s

David, Jenny, Jack and Victor said...

hmm... sounds like maybe you'll have time to reach level 37 on street fighter 2

Unknown said...

You are in our thoughts and prayers numerous times a day, Stu. We both check your blog several times a day. We're quietly stalking you, actually.

Hope this rest at home helps your body recover from what it's just been through. When you're up for visitors, we'd love to come see you for a bit.

Myr and Hollie said...

Stu, glad that you are home! I'm sure a good night's rest in your own bed was wonderful. Rice Krispies and Banana? You need to throw some magic shell on there!

Love you,

Myr and Hollie

Kris McDaniel said...

Welcome home, Stu. We love you.

p3musicnashville said...

Glad to know you are home.......prayers are with with you.


willngracemom said...

Many Many Many prayers for you and Candace... Know that my family is in constant prayer for y'all!

Alecia Carpenter Gardner

Kelly said...

I'm so happy you are home in the comfort of your own bed and able to finally get some sleep! For these small things Lord, we are grateful!