Sunday, October 25, 2009

A camera-shy cat...

So whenever the camera is off, Dude acts in his normal, peculiar ways. But when it's action time and the camera is rolling, he pretends he's a normal cat. Still trying to capture him doing his quirky things. By the way, ever notice how many cat videos there are on YouTube... and better yet, how each of them seem to have millions and millions of views? Huh.

I am feeing pretty good! About 80-90%, I'd say!

The nerve pain in my feet is slowly improving... and I even spontaneously jogged across the church parking lot today when two little girls were chasing me down. It was epic, relatively speaking.

The docs put me on an antibiotic called Omnicef for 21 days, as well as the steroid nasal spray Flonase, to see if that clears up my sinusitis. Things are better, but far from fixed. Same with bowel problems... gotta diagnose that one further. We've been trying to experiment by removing dairy and/or gluten from the diet, but that's HARD to do!

THANK YOU for checking in!


Lindsey Elizabeth Burke said...

Always checkin' in, Mr. Smartt! You'll love to know that John referred to you as a "Barracuda" yesterday!!!!!!! It made me laugh and thought you would too :) So thankful to know you are up and about!!! I can attest to Dude's crazy antics!

Aida Rita said...

If you remove dairy and gluten from your diet, what in the world will you be eating?

Good to hear things are going well for you guys, yeah !! We still pray for you two and all of your crazy pets. Much love from all of us.

Martha said...

That's a good report, Stuart! Some good Halloween candy should straighten you out.

David, Jenny, Jack and Victor said...

my uncle David has been through all the diet issues and was telling me about it last week.... pure science